How’d you like a free week?

I’m on the Communications Team at work. We have an email problem—maybe you do too. It’s like a virus that we haven’t been able to shake. One way it manifests is by people defaulting to Reply All.

Every day, the Communications Team works with the goal of making Strong Electric . . . stronger. We want to constantly improve the way we help our people get stuff done using clearer, more sensible communication.

Strong leaders communicate better than weak ones. Here’s a proven communication tip that will build up your communication power and give you a free week. Not kidding.

When answering email make “Reply” your default, NOT “Reply All”

Ever get a reply that was not meant for you? We all have, and it wastes time—maybe 15 seconds to look at it and hit delete. Not a big deal, right?


If you get 27 unnecessary emails a day—that’s how many I received on average each day for the last three weeks—that’s over 40 wasted hours every year. What?!? Yep—wasted week.

Want a free week? Stop hitting Reply All unless it’s absolutely necessary or the sender asks you to do so. Together, we grow stronger.

Comment below.

About jacksbuzz

I help people get what they want.
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